
Facial Steams

Our Facial Steams are make by blending different natural petals and buds together for their healing properties. They are all organic and when you have used them, they will degrade naturally in your garden, or your compost bin.

Beard Oil

Our Beard Oil is hand blended bottle by bottle. Each of our bottles contain only 100% natural ingredients and essential oils. They are blended drop by drop with just the right amount of oils needed to give you a great conditioning oil for your beard and the skin underneath.

Hand and Foot Balm

The feedback from customers about this product has been absolutely fantastic. People use it for a multitude of skin complaints. It is made from natural ingredients and essential oils to give it the skin nourishing amazing properties and protectiveness

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I love the Shampoo Bars from this lady, it lathers really well, and my hair feels squeaky clean after when I am finished rinsing.


The Body Butter from this company is absolutely amazing, its what I have needed for a very long time, I keep going back for more.


OMG the Hand and Foot balm has been like a miracle on a stick. My husband uses is on his eczema and it has taken the redness and itchiness out of his skin. Will definitely be ordering again.
